Cambridge L-NAV Demo

Screen Map
Main Flying Screens

GO & any other key
    for ½ sec.



X = Current Screen
. = Demo Screens

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Airspeed Slow Offset Calibration Screen

wht_sp20.gif (55 bytes) Slow ASI Offset - The speed-to-fly bars help you fly at the speed for best L/D.  Fly smooth, slow circles while observing the max. headwind and tailwind values on the screen.  Divide the observed difference by 2 and enter this number as the Slow ASI Offset.  Continue circling slowly to verify that max. headwind and tailwind agree.
Slow ASI Offset (top)
Glider Track (middle)
Wind Component (bottom)
Speed-to-fly bars (left)

Press UP or DOWN to adjust the parameter.
Press LEFT or RIGHT to view other screens.
Press GO to save changes and return to the flying screen you were in before entering calibrate mode.